Census 2020: KY Nonprofits Count




Every 10 years, the United States government conducts the Census — a national accounting of everyone living in every state. A complete count is crucial so that Kentucky gets its fair share of federal funds for the next 10 years. As we navigate a difficult time because of COVID-19, there couldn’t be a more important moment to fill out the census. Census data is used to determine federal disaster relief, hospital funding, Medicare, Medicaid, and more. The last day to be counted is OCTOBER 15!

In 2019, Kentucky Nonprofit Network launched the Kentucky Nonprofits Count Initiative to inform nonprofits on their role in getting a complete count. KNN convened the Count Me In 2020 KY Nonprofit Coalition to mobilize nonprofits across Kentucky to help ensure a fair and accurate 2020 Census count.


What's at stake for Kentucky?

Did you know that Kentucky stands to lose $2,021 of federal funding per year for the next ten years for EACH PERSON not counted? In light of COVID-19, a complete 2020 Census Count is even more vital. Kentucky cannot afford to leave money on the table! 

Federal Funds:  Census data are used by public officials to distribute federal funds for programs like Title l and special education grants; foster care and child care grants; Section 8 housing vouchers; K-12 education; and Head Start/Early Start; SNAP and school lunch; spending on rebuilding roads, highways and bridges; and more. Ultimately, an inaccurate Census count means that hard-to-count populations will rely more heavily on nonprofit organizations for services.

Political Representation: Historically, the Census in Kentucky has missed many "hard-to-count populations" - disproportionate numbers of racial minorities, immigrants, young children and those living in poverty.  This undercount leads to inequality in political influence, government funding and private-sector investment for these communities. 
The Census is vital to ensuring that our representational democracy is truly representational - determining the number of seats in Congress, boundaries for congressional and state house/senate districts and more.  

Public Infrastructure:  Government and businesses need census numbers to make good decisions on the location of schools, transportation and retail.


Watch this recording of KNN's Town Hall Meeting where we discuss the 2020 Census and how nonprofits can help increase the response rate, even during COVID-19.


What are 5 quick and easy ways your nonprofit can help KY secure a complete count?

As trusted messengers for our respective constituencies, including our hard-to-count populations, Kentucky's nonprofits are in a unique position to be the difference makers to ensure a fair and accurate 2020 Census. Almost all of the tips below are simple and impactful ways you can assist in Census outreach during COVID-19, even if your building is closed. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to help make sure everyone in Kentucky is counted in 2020! 

1) Share this video on your social media accounts (watch video below). 

2) Share this website on social media accounts, and link to it from your website.

3) Share one or more flyers or posters below on your social media accounts, and in your lobby if your building is still open to staff and/or clients. Choose a more general flyer, or use a specific one that best suits your audience. Some of the flyers are available in Spanish (see below).

4) Change your social media profile pictures to this image.

5) If you are providing essential services and your organization is still serving clients in your building, print stickers on Avery #94513 labels and encourage your staff to wear them.

Other resources for engagement: 

Resources for Individuals & Families

Resources Related to Children & Education

    Resources for Other Specific Issues


    Additional Resources from the U.S. Census Bureau:


    Click here to see the members of our Count Me In 2020 KY Nonprofit Coalition.


    For questions or to connect with us on Census efforts, please email us!


    Special thanks to sponsors of our KY Nonprofits Count Initiative!